Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009

Alat Musik Tradisional Indonesia Angklung

Art dogdog lojor there are people in Kasepuhan Pancer Pangawinan or customs union Banten Kidul spread around Mount Halimun (with Sukabumi, Bogor and Lebak). Although this art is called dogdog lojor, the name of one of the instruments in it, but there is also used as Angklung relation to the events of rice rituals.

Once a year, after the harvest, the entire community events Seren The epidemic or epidemic in the center of the village tradition. Center as the traditional village house kokolot (Elders) place always moved according to the supernatural.

Honor the tradition of rice in the community is still carried out because they include people who still adhere to old customs. The tradition they claim as descendants of the Officers and soldiers in the palace Pajajaran baresan Pangawinan (soldiers armed with a lance). Kasepuhan community has adopted Islam and was quite open will influence of modernization, and the worldly things Enjoyment in entertainment can enjoy.

This attitude is also in the function of art since around the 1970s, dogdog lojor has experienced growth, which is used to enliven khitanan children, marriage, and other events crowd. Instruments used in the arts dogdog lojor is 2 fruit dogdog lojor Angklung and 4 large pieces. These four fruit Angklung has a name, called the biggest Howl, and then panembal, kingking, and inclok. Each instrument is played by one, so that all of six people.

Songs of them dogdog lojor Bale Agung, Hideung Side, shaky-shaky Papanganten, Si Tunggul Kawung, Adulilang, and Adu-Complaint. Songs with this form of vocal ritmis dogdog Angklung and tend to remain.

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