Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Lumpia Semarang

Lumpia Semarang is a kind of food rollade contain Sprout bamboo, egg, and chicken or shrimp.

Lumpia Semarang cuisine is a mix feeling of Chinese and English, as indeed is the Chinese people Semarang inventor that married people of Indonesia.

Food is sold starting in Semarang and known at the time of the party at the sports GANEFO President Soekarno government.

Semarang on these five "mainstream" lumpia Semarang with different tastes. First flow of Gang Lombok (Siem Swie kiếm), the second flow Jalan Pemuda (deceased Siem Swie Hie), and third flow Jalan Mataram (almarhumah Hwa Siem Nio). Third stream came from one family Sing-Gwan Siem Tjoa Nio Po which is a single daughter and son-creator lumpia Semarang, Tjoa Thay Yoe-Wasih.

The flow of the four former employees are a number of lumpia Street Youth, and the fifth is the flow of people with a background of culinary hobby with the making of lumpia recipe lumpia learning Outcomes that have been circulating.

The oldest generation at this time, the third generation Swie kiếm Siem (65), remain faithful to serve customers in the Kiosk in his father's inheritance (Siem Sing Gwan) in Gang Lombok 11. Specialties lumpia Gang Lombok penggemar this according to some who had found in the Kiosk is bamboo sprout flavor does not smell, is also a mixture of eggs and udangnya not ollyolivia.

Lumpia can be made in the fourth generation we get the kiosks lumpia aka Mbak Lien Lien Siok Siem (43) on the road and Jalan Pemuda Pandanaran. Mbak Lien forward Kiosk deceased father, Siem Swie Hie, who is a brother of Siem Swie kiếm, on Jalan Pemuda (Gang Grajen mouth) while opening two branches in Jalan Pandanaran.

Mbak Lien lumpia uniqueness is that its contents plus seasoning chicken meat. When initial efforts begin to pick up the deceased father, Mbak Lien create three types of lumpia, the content of the shrimp lumpia, lumpia contents chicken (for a shrimp allergy), and contains special lumpia shrimp and chicken mixture. However, because of the inconvenience and feel most buyers especially like the special, now Mbak Lien only make one kind only, namely the content of the bamboo lumpia special Sprout mixed shrimp and chicken.

The other fourth generation, the children of the deceased Siem Hwa Nio (woman's sister Siem Swie kiếm) to continue his mother's stall in Jalan Mataram (MT Haryono Road) in addition to opening new shops in several places in the city of Semarang. Among the children of the deceased Siem Hwa Nio is also opening a branch in Jakarta. There are even grandson of the deceased Siem Hwa Nio fifth generation as a Kiosk in their own lumpia Semarang.

In addition to families ancestral creator lumpia semarang, and now also a lot of people "outside" to make lumpia semarang. They generally their former employees. They have also participated in culinary hobby brisk business with lumpia semarang make lumpia own, such as Lumpia Express, Semarang Phoa kiếm Hwa's International Family Restaurant and Garden in Jalan Gajah Mada, Semarang.

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