Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

Kebaya Pakaian Tradisional Indonesia

Kebaya is a traditional blouse worn by Indonesian and Malaysian women made from thin material charged with the glove, batik, knitting or other traditional clothing such as songkets with a colorful motif.

Trust comes from good China hundreds of years ago. Then spread to Malacca, Java, Bali, Sumatra, and Sulawesi. Acculturation after that last hundreds of years, the clothes received in the local culture and norms.

Before 1600, in Java, is good clothing only apply in the kingdom of the family there. During the period of Dutch control in the island, European women began to wear kebaya as formal dress. During this period, kebaya just changed from using mori fabric using silk with colorful embroidery.

Clothing that is similar called a "good wife" was first created by the hybrid of Malacca. They use a sarong and T-shirts with beautiful bermanik manik-called "manek slippers." Now, being a good wife renewals, and popular among non-Asian women.

Separate from the traditional kebaya, fashion designers are looking for ways to modify the design and making kebaya become a more modern clothes. Kebaya is a can be modified even with jeans or skirt.

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